Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Remembering 9/11

Today is 9/11. There are tons of memorials, tributes, cleverly created memes, etc. They all say "Never Forget" or similar. That's terrific. I'm glad people are spreading the sentiment that we should not forget what happened that day.


It has become a trite little catchphrase now. "Never Forget, Never Forget, Never Forget." But it seems we *have* forgotten. We've forgotten the significance of the attacks that were carried out that day. We've forgotten who was behind them, and we've decided that political correctness trumps 3000 innocent lives, and countless more that would have been lost if it weren't for the incredibly brave actions of a few passengers on an airplane. We've forgotten who the enemy is.

We elected one of the enemy in 2008, and we did it with our eyes wide open. He TOLD US he was on the side of the criminals who attacked us. He TOLD US he would stand with them if push came to shove. We KNEW what his background was. We KNEW what his philosophy was. We KNEW, and we allowed ourselves to be blinded by the color of his skin, and ignored the content of his character.

Push has come to shove in Syria. If we attack Syria, the only possible result will be a massive world war, and we won't be fighting cowards hiding in caves anymore. We'll be fighting the entire Middle East, Russia, China, possibly North Korea if that little punk decides he wants a piece of us. And we have no assurances from our allies that they will stand with us. We'll effectively be in it alone. And it will be OUR FAULT.

Are you happy, all you Sheeple who elected this? Are you satisfied? Have you achieved the goal you were looking for? I think not. I think you were wooed by forked-tongue promises of lower mortgage payments and free health care. I think you thought you were doing a good thing, electing a snake in the grass. But he *is* a snake, and he's creeping around in *your* grass. Is it worth it? We are seeing the loss of our most precious freedoms, increased poverty, the deliberate creation of more racial tension than this country has seen since the 60's, the destruction of our economy, a flood of foreign criminals slithering in under amnesty, and our most dangerous enemy gaining a foothold in our own government. If you still think this was a good choice you made, then you are complicit in whatever the results are, and the irony is, most of you who stand by this would be the first ones under the sword if Islam had its way.

It's not too late. It's not too late to wake up, open your eyes, and see what your bad choices have done. It's not too late to regret it. And it's not too late to redeem yourselves by helping to stop it.

That's the best way to "Never Forget." To truly REMEMBER, and use that memory to stem the tide of evil that is rapidly gaining strength. It's not too late, but we all need to be in it together. Every one of us must use the brains we were blessed with and FIGHT. It's not enough to "Never Forget," if the memory does nothing but stagnate. We have to truly keep that memory alive by preventing a repeat of the tragedy of 9/11.

It's not too late.