Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The Northeast has just been hit with record-setting rain. This is on top of the record-setting rain we had last week, which was on top of the record-setting snow we had all winter. Between all these records, the ground can't hold any more water, so where does it all go? Into my basement, of course. Hairyman's guitars and amps had to be rescued, and everything else is ruined. Today he went in search of a pump, but there were none to be had for love nor money at any of the hardware stores. Yet, he is pumping the basement right now. How, you ask? Well, my husband is extremely brilliant. There were no pumps available at hardware stores, but there were fish pond pumps at the feed store. Worked like a charm, better than the regular kind even. Our stuff is still ruined, but at least the house won't float away, and they are only things. We're OK, and that's all that matters.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Too stupid not to share

We are about to get the money from selling my husband's grandmother's apartment building. She passed away about six years ago, and Hairyman and his brothers have been fighting over the estate since then. That's all about to be over and done, and we'll be getting a modest amount in the final split.

Hairyman said everyone can choose a gift for themselves, up to $1000. Noodlenose is getting a rockin' new guitar. Navy Man will pick something when he gets home in May, probably involving guitars too, and I decided I wanted a nice set of diamond jewelry. We may also get a piano for the house, and a drum machine, so the boys can have a band in the basement, and when they get me drunk enough I might sing for them. This all sounds so nice and Beaver Cleaver-ish, right?? Aww, those Kiefers, they're so cute!!

But wait! What does my husband want for his gift?

He wants a shrunken head.

The boy is damaged. I am leg-shackled to a damaged human being.

Monday, March 8, 2010

OK, it's really getting old now.

Every day, I perform a large number of various tasks at work. Mostly, they are performed correctly. I'm no angel, I make mistakes, but out of 100 things, maybe one will be so wrong it needs to be redone, and maybe one or two more need tweaking. Not too shabby, I'd say. But despite a pretty good record, and in the middle of a day that was already crazy and crazy-busy, because we STILL do not have a replacement for The Assistant From Hell, my boss this afternoon chose to call me into his office and make a stink about a mistake that A) I had NO CLUE was a mistake, because I didn't design the computer program that doesn't like the mistake I made, and because the guy who did (him) never told me it even WAS a mistake; and B) happened in OCTOBER. Uhhh, give it a rest, hmmm? The control-freak thing is so five minutes ago, dude. You catch more flies with honey and all that crap.

And then I went home and cried. No, really!