Monday, October 19, 2009

Aaand, another craptaculous day.

Got into a fight with The Assistant from Hell this morning, and had MY boss tell her that since I'm HER boss, from now on her only answer when I ask her to do something is going to be "Yes, ma'am." Yay for the days when my boss is not cranky at ME for a change!!

The rest of the day stunk on ice, but that was one bright spot. Still crazy busy at work. I wanted to start a new MS today at lunch, but I had to take a price change into the lunchroom with me to work on while I snarfed my mac-n-cheez and watched "Days of our Lives."

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Weekend craptasticness.

Well, sort of.

Yesterday was my birthday. Umm, yay. Didn't particularly feel like celebrating, but we went out for dinner and I had a delicious steak. Been trying to stay off of red meat, but once in a while I need a steak.

Today we acquired two new male hedgehogs for our breeding herd. They're gorgeous! I have to make a photo page of all my sweeties.

I guess it wasn't so craptastic after all. But my tummy is not right lately, and I'm cranky. And I'm just generally out of sorts and junk.


Friday, October 16, 2009

When life hands you reconstituted lemon juice (from concentrate)...


...take it as an omen.

So sometimes in life, you're going to encounter people who think they can think for other people. These people have a tendency to ascribe meaning to other people's words that didn't exist in the mind of the person whose words they were. This seems to satisfy them, so who am I to judge? (Well, besides being the injured party. But I'm not bitter.) But when it gets to the point in the saga where nobody can deal with anyone or anything like an adult anymore, it's best to take a step back, dust yourself off, and take it as an omen. I was spending too much time not doing the important things in life, like drinking and housework and writing, so I'm choosing to see another person's pettiness as a way to self-motivate. I will come up with a plan of action and do my level best to stick to it. My kitchen will be tidier, my living room will - OK, MIGHT - get vacuumed, and my dog will get a bath. Mount Washmore will be scaled, people! I will concentrate on the important people in my life - the ones who live by the golden rule, and treat others as they would like to be treated. You know who you are.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Hello world, I'm your wild girl!

Points to anyone who can name that song title and artist.

I'm Trisha Kiefer. My husband Pat and I - yes, we are Patrick and Patricia, don't you just want to throw up from the sweetness? - live on Long Island with our menagerie of animals, including the African pygmy hedgehogs we breed. Ask me about my hedgehogs! Go ahead, I dare ya!

I was born and raised in Queens, one of the five boroughs of New York City. Actually, that's a lie. You've known me for all of, what, three seconds, and already I'm telling you lies! I was actually born in Spring Garden, Pennsylvania, which as it happens is in the middle of Amish country. I have no notion why my mother, of all people, would have chosen to birth her offspring in the middle of Amish country, but it may explain some things about me. And I love the Amish, so there you go. But, my parents LIVED in Queens, not in Pennsylvania, so it's true that I was raised there, which explains quite a few other things about me.

I write romance, and my husband is a boatbuilder and siege engineer. We fund these careers with full-time jobs at, respectively, an appliance distributor and United Parcel Service. This keeps me in #2 pencils, and him in two-by-fours or whatever all that stuff is that he's always playing with.

This blog is where I'm going to say lots of interesting things, or so I'm told by my friend who forced me to start this blog, and who swears I am funny and interesting. She almost never lies, so I have to believe her, and I think you should too. I hope you will find her to be a truthful young lady, and enjoy the blog!

Trisha Kiefer